占有 & Consumption of Alcohol Policy



这项政策旨在规范大学社区成员以及公认的大学组织和部门在校园内持有和消费酒精. 消费啤酒或葡萄酒的特权被延长,期望这些活动是在补充大学有序运作的条件下举行的. 校外团体和组织与学校签订使用设施的合同,也受本规定的约束.

这项政策还寻求提供酒精教育和认识,促进人类健康,同时为我们的学生营造最有利的学习环境, 我们的校园社区, 访客和客人. 进一步, 这一政策的目的还包括对可能与基督教社会联盟DH学生持有和消费酒精相关的行为或学术问题有关的制裁和谴责.

Prohibited 占有 or Use of Alcoholic Beverages

拥有, 出售, 任何时候都禁止在校园内供应或使用蒸馏酒,除非是在大学宿舍的个人生活单元内,供21岁及以上的居民使用. 拥有, 出售, serving or use of beer or wine on campus is also prohibited at all times, 除非根据基督教社会联盟DH基金会校园餐饮服务管理的酒精饮料许可证或在大学宿舍的个人生活单元内允许.

Restriction Based Upon Age

加利福尼亚州法律对21岁以下的人和提供酒的人持有或使用酒精饮料规定刑事处罚, 给, sell or cause to be sold, furnished or 给n away, any alcoholic beverage to a person under the age of 21. (State Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, Sections 25658 - 25665.)


  1. "Serve" means to 给 away or provide at no cost.
  2. "Sell" means to 给 or exchange for money, 票, tokens or anything else of value, directly or indirectly.
  3. “适当的大学官员”应包括一名大学警官或被指派出席活动的管理人员或其指定人员, or if the occasion should require it, any administrator senior to the designee.
  4. "Closed Catered Events" means events catered by the Campus Dining Services that are by invitation only.


This policy is promulgated under the authority of the California Education and Administrative Codes, 董事会和加州州立大学校长的后续决议和常设命令, and responsibility of the President of the University for the general welfare of the campus.

的基督教社会联盟DH Office of Student Life, a service of the Division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, is the designated University unit charged with daily 校园生活 Policy oversight and enforcement.

Conditional Use of Beer or Wine


Officially recognized campus organizations, (工作人员, 教师, 辅机, and administrative) may sponsor an event on campus at which beer and/or wine is served. In sponsoring such event, the organization and its members accept the following responsibilities and conditions:

To observe all applicable state laws and university policies, including compliance with the application procedure.

  1. To maintain decorum appropriate to the University setting. 主办机构应适当的大学官员的要求停止供应啤酒或葡萄酒;
  2. 将参与限制为赞助组织的成员,仅邀请嘉宾,并在特定的时间框架内;
  3. To refrain from advertising to the public, 校内或校外, the availability of alcoholic beverages;
  4. 在任何供应酒精饮料的场合,为派发水以外的非酒精饮料作出规定;
  5. To assure that no minor or intoxicated person is served alcoholic beverages;
  6. 确保啤酒或葡萄酒的消费和服务仅在活动指定的设施内进行.

Campus Dining Services

Beer or wine may only be sold or served by the Campus Dining Services.

  1. Selling beer or wine includes an exchange for money, 票, tokens or anything else of value.
  2. If admission charges are made for the function, alcoholic beverages cannot be served as a part of the admission price.
  3. Generally 出售s of beer or wine will be in conjunction with food service.

Restrictions to the University's Alcohol Beverage License

Beer and wine can only be served or sold in the following locations:

  1. The DH Sports Lounge in the University Student Union
  2. The Home Depot National Training Center Complex
  3. At closed events catered by the Campus Dining Services
  4. All non-mobile Campus Dining Services food service locations
Administrative Responsibility for Policy Implementation and Enforcement

Policy Implementation

  1. 教师或员工团体可以要求允许举办团体赞助的活动,并在活动前至少十(10)个工作日向校园餐饮服务主任或指定人员提交申请,以提供啤酒和/或葡萄酒. If the application is denied, the group may appeal to the Executive Director of the Foundation.
  2. 大学相关团体(例如校友会)可以通过提交申请来申请举办团体赞助的活动,活动中提供啤酒和/或葡萄酒, approved by the university liaison for that group, 在拟举行的活动前至少10个工作天向校园餐饮服务总监或指定人员提交. If the application is denied, the group may appeal to the Executive Director of the Foundation.
  3. 校外团体(与学校无关)应受其与校园餐饮服务中心签订的书面合同条款的限制. Individuals are not provided any privileges under these policies.

Policy Application - Off Campus Events

大学不容忍或承认涉及提供或消费酒精的校外活动. When student organizations choose to sponsor off-campus events where alcohol is advertised, 此类广告不得包含学生组织与大学之间的任何联系. 如果不遵守这一政策,在完成简短的调查后,任何学生组织将立即失去校园认可和注册权利和特权.

校外活动也受州法律的约束,不得购买(不得使用上述资金)和/或向任何未成年人提供酒精饮料. 如果不遵守这一政策,在完成简短的调查后,任何学生组织将立即失去校园认可和注册权利和特权.

对于在校外供应或饮用酒精饮料,大学不承担任何监督和责任. 然而, 如果一个大学团体在校外活动中鼓励或容忍滥用或滥用酒精, appropriate disciplinary actions may be taken upon a more complete investigation.


  1. 负责招生管理和学生事务的副校长负责这项政策的总体执行.
  2. 基金会执行董事负责对所有非学生团体执行本政策并审批申请(与校园餐饮服务总监协调).
  3. 大学警察将协助执行此政策,以保护安全并执行适用法律.
  4. 校园餐饮服务人员将协助执行本政策,以保护酒精饮料许可证,并确保适用法律得到执行.
  5. Violations of this policy by individuals may cause disciplinary action to be taken.
  6. Violation by any university or student club or organization or related group could, after notice and hearing, 导致撤销某些校园特权或失去组织认可或拒绝使用校园设施的.
  7. Civil and criminal charges, penalties and punishments may also be applied by the proper authorities.